luni, 7 noiembrie 2011

Timpurile limbii engleze 2.Se foloseste pentru a exprima obiceiuri din trecut; ex: My grandmother drank five cups of coffee a day. In aceasta intrebuintare mai pot fi folosite inca 2 constructii: a) used to+infinitiv:actiuni sau stari trecute in special atunci cand vrem sa facem un contrast cu prezentul; Ex: I used to ride my bike to school but now I drive. He used to have a

Timpurile limbii engleze

2.Se foloseste pentru a exprima obiceiuri din trecut;
ex: My grandmother drank five cups of coffee a day.
In aceasta intrebuintare mai pot fi folosite inca 2 constructii:
a) used to+infinitiv:actiuni sau stari trecute in special atunci cand vrem sa facem un contrast cu prezentul;
Ex: I used to ride my bike to school but now I drive.

He used to have a heard.
b) would to+infinitive: se foloseste pentru a exprima actiuni repetate in trecut;
Ex: When I was at my grandparents' home I would wake up early and go for a walk.

3..Se foloseste pt. a exprima o succesiune de actiuni trecute, scurte,care au loc una dupa cealalta.
Ex: She woke up, got out of bed and made a cup of coffee.

Past Tense Continuous

Aff:I/he/she/it/was playing.
You/we/they/were playing.
Neg:I/he/she/it was not playing.
I/he/she/it wasn't playing.
You/we/they were not playing.
You/we/they weren't playing.
Int: Was I/he/she/it playing?
Were you/we/they playing?
1.Se foloseste pt. a exprima o actiune in progres la un anume moment din trecut;
Ex: At 8 o'clock my brother was watching TV.

2.Pt. a arata ca o actiune era in desfasurare intr-un anume moment din trecut cand o alta actiune mult mai importanta sau mai dramatica a avut loc;Ex: While Mary was crossing the street yesterday she was hit by a car.3.Pt. a arata ca doua sau mai multe actiuni erau in desfasurare simultan in trecut;
Ex: While mother was cooking father was reading a newspaper and the kids were playing on the carpet.
4.In vorbirea indirecta pt. a exprima un prezent continuu din vorbirea directa;Ex:'My doll is sleeping now," little Kate explained.

Little Kate explained that her doll was sleeping then.
5.Pt. a arata un aranjament viitor vazut din perspectiva trecuta;
Ex: Our neighbours did not come to our place that evening because they were taking the night train to London.
6.Cu *always* pt. a exprima o actiune repetata din trecut care il deranja pe vorbitor;

Ex:The two pupils were always laughing during my classes.
7.In propozitii conditionale pt a exprima un conditional prezent.
Ex: What would you say if the boys were sleeping now?

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